Bruce Hall on April 18, 2020
Gravel Route
From Horton Rd to Vesta Rd, Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan
No description provided.
43 overlapping segments.
47.56 miles
623 ft minimum
778 ft maximum
1,060 ft gain
1,060 ft loss

100% gravel

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on September 20, 2020
Rode this route today, it was a lot of fun, thanks for posting it. Up until about Twin Lake you’ll be on pavement as much as gravel, after that it’s a mix of gravel and two track. Once you make the right on to the second part of Crocker it’s going to be sandy ORV trail and I recommend you drop your tire pressure as low as you can or you’ll be doing a lot of walking. Same one you leave Holton turning on to Whetmire. I had my front at 20psi, back at 25 with 40c tires on my gravel bike. Took me just over 4 hours but I was taking my time and enjoying the trails.